Валерий Леонтьев Раймонд Паулс Диалог

Валерий Леонтьев Раймонд Паулс‎ - Диалог Мелодия С60 21271 006 СССР, 1985 00:00 Verooka · Вероока. Lyrics И. Резник 03:55 Heart’s Eclipse · Затмение Сердца. Lyrics А. Вознесенский 07:31 I Don't Say Good-bye To You · Я С Тобой Не Прощаюсь. Lyrics И. Резник 10:33 Years Of Wandering · Годы Странствий. Lyrics И. Резник 14:35 Tape-Recorder Of A Man · Человек-Магнитофон. Lyrics А. Вознесенский 17:57 Singing Mime · Поющий Мим. Lyrics И. Резник 22:22 After Holiday · После Праздника. Lyrics И. Резник 25:49 Love The Pianist · Полюбите Пианиста. Lyrics А. Вознесенский 28:28 Dialogue · Диалог. Lyrics Н. Зиновьев 32:09 Green Light · Зеленый Свет. Lyrics Н. Зиновьев 35:58 Конец записи Composer, director: Raimond Pauls Vocals: Валерий Леонтьев English title: Raimond Pauls - Dialogue. Valeri Leontiev Sings © «Мелодия», 1984 Всесоюзная студия грамзаписи. Запись 1984 г. (Recorded in 1984) Рижский Ордена Знак Почета Завод Грампластинок Тип. РЗГ «Мелодия» 1985 5 40000 (40000 copies) -------------------- TTT is based on the Floating Tangential Tonearm - a licensed invention of Mr. Nicolay Ivanov. The license document: . More details: -------------------- A number of well proven TTT features: Platter • Wow: typically within - 0,05 % • Rumble: estimated below -65 dB unweighted • Bearings friction: below 2 kdyn at 15 cm Tonearm • Signal track noise (cartridge over LP, motor ON): Unweighted: -78.1 dB ITU-R 468 weighted: -82.8 dB • Tracking angle error distortion: below % at 60 mm, below % at 145 mm • Lateral frictiom force at stylus: below 30 dyn • Effective mass at the stylus point: about 14 g • Principal tonearm resonance: 12.4 Hz (with AT95EX cartridge) The recent TTT description: -------------------- Important reminder: After a number of hardware and software improvements in my system, I have started to load higher quality versions of selected music already loaded in the past. If you have downloaded an old version of a clip and you like it, I suggest you to download the new, better one. If you have just a link to the old version, you have to update it to the new one, as long as I remove the older versions from my channel.