Crossing Lines or: the Defence is the Offence? - video 18

This video is about the psychological sources of our world's problems. I'm talking about not respecting other's bounderies - which is what we experience now and which has caused all problems in the world in history. It's the source of sexism, antisemitism, racism (anti-white racism), wars, homophobia, rape, speciesism, the destruction of our nature and the extinction of spieces. It is the base of envy. hatred, greed, murder, incitement, all Left Wing ideologies from the French Revolution to the Red Khmer, from Nationalsocialism, Communism to Islamism, colonies (not only French or English but equally Muslim colonization), the Western Agenda - and also child abuse, rape, arguments, parent-child troubles, failed relationships, criminality. Somebody who doesn't respect other's lines is not mature. And doesn't want to be mature (motto “it's somebody else's fault“) Even the most therapists have these problems and don't even recognize it in most therapists I've met in my life where offensive too - how shall they help anybody? The extrem forms of breaking down a person's inner space are: child abuse, physical violence - yes also in animal factories or “research“ labs or fur “farms“ - rape, beating, torture, also psychological violence like: verbal abuse, psychological blackmailing, playing the victim card (which is part of the blackmailing), humiliation, ridiculing etc. Destroying others' bounderies you see here: Islamism, Terror, Satanistic cults, KZs, MKUltra, Gulags, Transhumanism & Western Agenda, Meat & Dairy Industry, Big Pharm & self proclaim “Medicine“, rape and suppression of women all over the world, hunting, surveillance, prohibition of free speech, telling others (usually women) how to dress, behave, talk or which work they are allowed to do, forcing children into certain professions, teaching and spreading incitement. About religions: always check if they spread hatred against others or put themselves above others (“we have the last or only prophet“ or claim to “replace“ another religion) or not. Hence, there is already a problem - euphemistically said - within Christianity and Islam, hence: blood libels (also in Islam), pogroms, Shoa, mass murder of Jews, native North-Americans, Africans etc, suppression, rapes, terrorism, missionizing others from Celtis to Jews to Hindus, forced conversions, genozides. The only 2 “religions“ I know that are not involved in anything like that are Buddhism and Judaism - both teach their members only ethical behaviour to make this world better. In Judaism we have laws that even prohibits LaShaon HaRa (Evil speech) and equals it with murder. LaShon HaRa is nowadays called Incitement & Propaganda, but it is much more. I have to admit that I have troubles respecting people who non-stop violate the just, natural, and rightful bounderies of others. About playing the victim cards there are 2 different ways to do that: 1) done by Islamists: crossing violently the borders of others they have no sane reason to hate but hate (Israel, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Europeans, women etc) and then complain when their victims defend themselves. They scream “Islamophobia!“ or “Genozide!“ and need to use photos of people murdered by the Assad regime in Syria or Israeli victims of their own crimes or produce Paliwood fake videos to “Proof“ what doesn't exist. You can also experience these kind of people in your personal life. Black Lives Matter belongs here too. Lies, propaganda, hatred and fake news are integral part of this type. 2) usually done by private individuals who were once, like in their childhood, indeed victims of offensive parents or other adults: they stay in the victimhood and see everybody else as responsible to make amends for what was done to them and when you don't play the card you are called toxic or offensive and they turn you into the perpetrator (the extreme form is the Borderline personality disorder). Like the 1st type they constantly cross your lines and demand of you to just take it. If you defend your borders you are the bad guy. The Swiss psychologist Verena Kast wrote a whole book about it called “Abschied von der Opferrolle“ - for the few who realise what they are doing and want to get out of it. Some people use sicknesses to manipulate others. This also belongs here. This type is often passive-aggressive (you can read up on that in the Internet) Both types need an audience for their “actions“ - using libels, lies and propaganda - to “proof“ and make others side with them. Of course. The Munich based psychiatrist Dr. Ernst-Robert Langlotz developed his own method of therapy on this problem. The book he wrote is called “Symbiose in Systemaufstellungen“