Why Are They Hiding This Princess’ Identity? | Andromeda & Perseus

Perseus, the legendary Greek hero, passed by the kingdom and saw Andromeda. He fell in love with her and decided to save her from the monster. After he killed the beast, he claimed her in marriage. This angered Phineus, to whom Andromeda had been previously promised. A fight broke out between the rivals, and Phineus was turned to stone by the sight of Medusa's head, which Perseus had kept. Andromeda became the queen of men and followed Perseus to Tiryns in Argos. She bore him a son, Perses, who would become the ancestor of the Perseidae family that ruled Tiryns. After Andromeda's death, she was placed among the constellations in the northern sky, near Perseus and Cassiopeia, where she remains a symbol of strength and beauty. For in depth content about my videos, visit: If you are interested in the art appearing in my videos: Visit our shop to get great products inspired by African history: Support the channe