A turkey baked in the oven is a tasty and healthy dish, Americans traditionally prepare it for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Here, Ukrainians, turkey in the oven is not such a common dish, but it is still worth trying to cook it. How to bake a whole turkey? Such a question is asked by housewives on the eve of Thanksgiving. And not for nothing, because a baked turkey is a decoration of any festive table. The dish is tasty, juicy and thanks to its unique aroma fills the house with a festive atmosphere. If you are using a frozen turkey, it must be properly thawed before roasting it whole. Do not defrost the turkey in the microwave and under running water to bake it. Free a shelf in the refrigerator, put a bowl there, put a colander on it, and then the turkey, cover with cling film on top. The roasting turkey should be completely empty and thoroughly washed inside. The last phalanges on the wings and neck must be cut off - otherwise, they will burn. How to cook a whole turkey - prepare the marinade.