Hare Krishna in Russia l Blue Krishnas l indian in moscow, indian in moscow russia

Hare Krishna every one this video is a Hari nam sankirtan in Moscow Russia by Divij Bagdi l Blue Krishnas, please support by watching, Like Comment and Subscribe Hinduism has been spread in Russia primarily due to the work of scholars from the religious organization International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) and by itinerant Swamis from India and small communities of Indian immigrants. While ISKCON appear to have a relatively strong following in Russia, the other organizations in the list have a marginal presence in this country. There is an active Tantra Sangha operating in Russia. According to the 2012 official census, there are 140,000 Hindus in Russia, which accounts for 0.1% population of Russia. A majority of Russian Hindus were Vaishnavites The history of Hinduism in Russia dates back to at least the 16th century. When Astrakhan was conquered in 1556, the small Indian community became part of the Moscow state.[2] In the early eighteenth century, the first Russian emperor, Peter the Great, met the head of the Astrakhan Hindus and, at their request, asked the Russian Senate to issue a law protecting Hindu beliefs. This was the first law in Russia that protected a foreign creed.[2] In 1971 A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), introduced it to Russia. In 1988, ISKCON was first registered as a religion. Later, it was re-registered in 1998. In the same year, there were 120 Krishna communities in Russia.[3] In 2007, an idol of Hindu deity Vishnu, dated between 7th to 10th century CE, was excavated from the Russian town Staraya Mayna of Ulyanovsk Oblast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tags:- viral video, viral, viral hepatitis, viral tiktok dance 2023, viral song, viralhog, viral tiktok song, viral shorts, viral fever, viral theme indian in russia, indian in russia vlogs, indian in russian, indian in russian style, indian in russian army, indian in russian train, indian in russia travel, indian in russia with girl, indian in russian university, indian in russian village russia, russian song, russia ukraine war, russian music, russian language, russian, russian accent, russian doomer music, russia news, russian phonk moscow, moscow never sleeps, moscow calling, moscowwalks, moscow diaries, moscow metro, moscow moscow, moscow city, moscow 4k, moscow news indian in moscow, indian in moscow russia, indian restaurant in moscow russia, indian embassy in moscow, indian market in moscow, indian army in moscow, indian student in moscow, indian living in moscow, indian life in moscow, indian community in moscow