Nameless Therein - Hex Haruspex (2018)

Hex Haruspex was released through Deathwave Nexion in 2018 [DeathNex006]. All music composed, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Nameless Therein from April 14, 2017 to April 12, 2018 ev. These short instrumental pieces were originally composed as sonic ritual textures, paired with various artworks by Richard Moult. These were created with the aim of enhancing the experience of the artwork as a kind of pathworking for each work. Artwork by Richard Moult. “Diabolus for Three Guitars,“ “Gaudete for Three Guitars,“ and “Agios O Baphomet for Three Guitars“ were adapted from chants by the Order of Nine Angles. The picture in the beginning of the video is an old promo shot taken at the time of release when the physical copies were still available. Tracklist: 00:00 Opening credits 01) O Felix Culpa - The Tempel ov Blood: 0:10 02) Niveous Nisus (A Winter Breeze and Apathy): 3:03 03) Cathexis - Nemicu: 4:02 04) Aerie: 5:09 05) Primus inter pares: 5:41 06) Glacis: 6:20 07) Vespertine: 6:53 08) Riparian: 7:32 09) Boreal: 8:36 10) Zephyr: 9:03 11) Obsequy: 9:59 12) Temblor: 10:46 13) Kotinos: 11:42 14) Caterwaul: 12:14 15) Lotic: 13:12 16) Lorelei - Lidagon: 14:08 17) Threnody: 15:00 18) Apostasy - Sauroctonos: 15:52 19) Methexis: 16:31 20) Myrmidon: 17:33 21) Widdershins - Binan Ath: 18:13 22) Nyctalopia: 19:08 23) Bolide - Satanas: 19:53 24) Argentine - Noctulius: 20:33 25) Oriel: 21:15 26) Anodyne: 22:15 27) Praedial: 22:56 28) Votary - Nekalah: 23:46 29) Sophrosyne – Nythra, ver. 1: 24:54 30) Semaphore - Karu Samsu: 25:36 31) Prolepsis - Abatu: 26:17 32) Verglas: 27:01 33) Barbican: 27:33 34) Alēthosynē: 28:29 35) Corvine: 29:13 36) Primeval: 29:54 37) Oneiric: 30:25 38) Iota: 31:01 39) Detritus: 31:41 40) Liminal: 32:15 41) Cenotaph: 32:48 42) Dyad: 33:20 43) Megethos: 34:11 44) Aventine: 34:45 45) Poiesis - Velpecula: 35:32 46) Camber: 36:27 47) Cloven: 37:12 48) Numinous: 37:48 49) Enantiomorph: 39:08 50) Lustral: 40:07 51) Matador: 40:47 52) Sui generis: 41:50 53) Pontifex: 42:45 54) Diabolus for Three Guitars: 43:39 55) Gaudete for Three Guitars: 45:03 56) Agios O Baphomet for Three Guitars: 46:07