Маша Interview

Arkona is a stronghold and a spiritual center of Baltic Slavonic tribes on the island of Rujan. Now it is island Rügen, territory of Germany. Where there was the sanctuary of Slavonic major God Rod-Svantovit a temples of other Gods. Now it is a symbol for people who hold dear our Faith and who have to do with resurrection of our traditions and praising native belief. The important thing is that I do believe in forthcoming resurrection. And believe that there are people who will revive this sacred land from the ashes. Now the age of Aquarius is coming, the age of Svarog, which will change the history of mankind. Even now we can see more and more people start thinking about their ancestors and history of their folk. And most of them are already on the right way, so I can assume that ressurection is close. For me, my Faith is sacred and I really hold dear things that I praise in my lyrics. Thanks to my Faith, I am able to write songs that you hear. I is very important for us to be heard, but it is not our m