Pleiades in The Golden Ratio, part 1 (turn on subtitles - English available)

----------------------------------------- Concept P tree ----------------------------------------- The topic of this lecture is the results of the research of the implementation of a geometrical matrix of the Pleiades cluster into the real geographical space and the ground plan of the pre-Romanesque Rotonda in Ošlje, as laid out and explained by PhD Igor Šipić. The Pleiades cluster (Vlašići, M45, Messier 45), under the strict mathematical order, influences the civilizational development and processes, infrastructure created by human activity from prehistoric times, with special reference to the location and design of the pre-Romanesque Rotonda above the village of Ošlje in the Dubrovnik region. Geometrical matrix of Pleiades Cluster reflects mathematical conditionality of the distribution of toponyms, cities, ports, temples, shrines, legends, myths, historical events, as well as cardinal geomorphological points of space such as bays, capes, passages, straits, mountain peaks, estuaries and others. Beside Pleiadean matrix, mathematically coherent Trojan eponymy matrix is presented, as a confirmation the astronomical and terrestrial conformity of all historical layers of the ecumene, starting with the oldest known civilizations. The second part of the lecture, entitled “Rtanj, Pyramid Signed Design,“ offers an overview of the spatial-matrix position and the impact of the Rtanj Mountain on the wider Mediterranean area. All analyses were conducted on maps in Mercator's flat cylindrical projection. For this purpose, the authors used the International map of the Mediterranean Sea made at scales of 1: 7,500,000 and 1: 2,250,000 (108 INT 302, Mediterranean Sea, western part; 109 INT 302, Mediterranean Sea, eastern part). Lecturer: Srđan Nogić, Caffe bar Retro (45°47'“N, 15°57'“E), . from 17:44h, Zagreb, Croatia. ----------------------------- Learn more %C5%A1ipi%C4%87-193073129/?originalSubdomain=hr -------------------------------- Igor Šipić's blog (croatian) Tema predavanja su rezultati istraživanja implementacije geometrijske matrice Plejada u realni geografski prostor i tlocrt predromaničke Rotonde u Ošlju, kako ju je postavio i objasnio . Igor Šipić. Predstavljena je geometrijska matrica zviježđa Plejada (Vlašići, M45, Messier 45) te njen utjecaj na geografiju i infrastrukturu nastalu ljudskim djelovanjem od prapovijesti na ovamo, s posebnim osvrtom na lokaciju i dizajn predromaničke Rotonde iznad sela Ošlje u Dubrovačkom Primorju. Pristupilo se matematičkoj i astronomskoj uvjetovanosti distribucije toponima, gradova, luka, hramova, svetišta, legendi, mitova, povijesnih događaja, ali i kardinalnih geomorfoloških točaka prostora poput zaljeva, rtova, prolaza, tjesnaca, planinskih vrhova, ušća rijeka i drugih. Uz plejadsku matricu, predstavljena je i njoj koherentna trojanska eponimska matrica, koja u sprezi s plejadskom potvrđuje astronomsku i terestričku sukladnost svih povijesnih slojeva ekumene, počevši od najstarijih poznatih civilizacija. Drugi dio predavanja s podnaslovom “Rtanj, dizajn s potpisom piramide“ nudi osvrt na prostorno-matričnu poziciju te utjecaj planine Rtanj na širi mediteranski prostor.