EXTREME TIDYING! Meet the WORST MESS You Have Ever Seen!

I was NOT exaggerating when I said the mess was BAD! XD This is Hoarder to Order, version Do It All Yourself! Yeahhh - I've basically always been messy, with occasional intervals of extreme tidiness, though those have usually correlated with eating disordered relapses or amphetamine abuse; weirdly the more happy & functional I am, the worse the mess becomes? I think happy & functional, for me = writing a lot, & a day spent tidying not writing feels like wasted time. But the EXTREME level of filth this time around is by far the worst it's ever been, & had reached that level due to the year & a half of bottle-of-Jack-a-day alcoholism circa 2017, & by the time I got sober the chaos had become TOO daunting to even tackle, so I 't... For two years! Plus, obviously, there is the Shame Factor in allowing others to help, particularly when you have crazy suicidal graffiti all over your walls due to being drunk & crazy in 2017 - so great to have that almost entirely gone now! :3 It took me, in the end, round about 5-7 hours a day, every day for a straight week, then a bit more time building furniture & painting, but dear god, it has been so ABSOLUTELY worth it, & I actually *enjoyed* a lot of the tidying, found some wonderful old clothes, photographs, mementos of youth etc, & now I feel like everything in my life is far better organised; I can't lose all my video & writing idea notes, I have desk-space to stick Post-It reminders, & having a calmer-feeling sanctuary has meant that actually, while a lot of this tidying was driven by 'I want this place in order so it's easier to MOVE OUT as soon as possible', I'm suddenly finding that my family are not driving me half so crazy, because it's far easier to unwind & let things go in a space that feels good, & in control :3 So, I shall be recording my second tidying video soon, with all my tips, both practical & motivation-wise, on how tf to get this done if you too are starting at EXTREME, daunting, GarbageLand level, heh, so stick around if you feel you need that - I know a lot of you guys relate on the Born Messy front, so this one's for you - my mess was almost certainly EVEN WORSE than yours, but it *can* be done, & you will be so happy when you get there! :D Song at the end; backing track is from the YouTube Audio Library, called Free Dog, & if anyone has a particular fondness for my total bastardisation of said track, lemme know & I'll stick the audio up on Patreon or something! – where secret videos & dragon scale glove giveaways happen, & most of my YouTube content you will get early access to - $2 gets you in the club – join usssss! :D -Instagram – ofherbsandaltars -My book of horror stories, including a vampire novella, which is a prelude to the novel I'm working on currently: search Amazon for The Putrescent Vein, available in print or on Kindle! :3 -Music – Amazon, iTunes, Spotify: 4am Vampire Blues by Neon Midnight, iTunes linkiepoo is here: -And album number 2, Retribution, is here: -Angry Vampires – -Short stories – -FB – IMPORTANT NOTE: I have a new PO Box, so scrap the old address if you have it, I’m now overr hyarr!: Dorian B Initial Business Centre Wilson Business Park Manchester M40 8WN UK --if sending anything to PO Box, please mark as 'gift' so I'm not hit with customs charges! I appreciate everyone who takes the time, but customs charges are super hard to sort out via a PO Box and can sometimes result in the item being returned to sender before I get it sorted :-/ so yeah, mark as gift and all should go smoothly!—