Sporic Meiosis quiz questions

What is Sporic Meiosis? Sporic meiosis is the meiotic cell division that takes place during sporogenesis. Sporogenesis refers to the process which produces spores. Generally, plants, algae and fungi produce spores in order to reproduce. Hence, sporogenesis is a stage during their life cycle. When they form spores, meiotic cell division takes place. Sporic meiosis is an important event in sexual reproduction and helps to complete their life cycle. In some organisms, sporogenesis is accompanied by mitosis when producing asexual spores. In some organisms, both meiotic and mitotic sporogenesis are required to complete their complex life cycle. Main Difference - Gametic Sporic vs Zygotic Meiosis In sporic meiosis, a diploid spore mother cell, which resides within the sporangium, undergoes meiosis. It results in four haploid spores. In heterosporous organisms, two types of spores are produced via sporic meiosis: microspores and megaspores. In flowering plants, microspores are produced in the anthers of flowers. In conifers, sporic meiosis takes place in microsrobili and megastrobili when producing microspores and megaspores. What are the Similarities Between Gametic Sporic and Zygotic Meiosis? All three types of meiosis produce haploid cells. They are very important processes in order to complete their life cycles. What is the Difference Between Gametic Sporic and Zygotic Meiosis? Gametic meiosis takes place when the gametes are formed while sporic meiosis takes place when the spores are formed for sexual reproduction. Meanwhile, in zygotic meiosis, the zygote undergoes meiosis. So, this is the key difference between gametic sporic and zygotic meiosis. Gametic meiosis is important in order to produce a diploid cell after fertilization and then a multicellular diploid organism. Sporic meiosis is important in order to produce haploid sexual spores for sexual reproduction mainly in plants. Zygotic meiosis is important for the formation of multicellular haploid individuals such as fungi and green algae. Thus, this is the functional difference between gametic sporic and zygotic meiosis. Questions: Spores go through what process in order to create new, identical cells in order to become the gametophyte? A) Apoptosis B) Fertilization C) Sexual reproduction D) Meiosis E) Mitosis Which term best describes the multicellular haploid stage of the plant life cycle? A) Gamete B) Zygote C) Spore D) Sporophyte E) Gametophyte #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #SporicMeiosis #alternationOfGenerations #crashCourse #biology #plants #nonvascularPlant #algae #simple #liverwort #hornwort #moss #reproduction #reproductiveCycle #sexLife #trait #conductiveTissue #water #moisture #cellWall #cellulose #bryophyte #phyla #species #fossil #Haploid #gamete #Diploid #gametophyte #sporophyte #asexual #Chromosome #sporangium #spore #antheridia #archegonia #calyptra #germinate #germination #gymnosperm #pollen #angiosperm