Naturally Blond “Black“ people

ile most black people have natural black or dark brownish hair, you’d agree with me that it’s quite unusual to see a dark-skinned person with naturally blond hair as that’s commonly found amongst Americans and Europeans. This is a factor that makes the Melanesian people unique. The Melanesians The Melanesian people are an indigenous inhabitant of Melanesia — a subregion of Oceania in the southwestern Pacific Ocean — that extends from the western end of the Pacific Ocean, the Arafura Sea and down to Fiji — with are four independent countries; Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji, and Papua New Guinea in the region. The name “Melanesia” comes from the Greek word, melas meaning “black” and nesoi meaning “islands”. It was named by Jules Dumont d’ Urville a French navigator who visited the island in 1832 because of the dark skin of the people. Jules reportedly named the three main ethnic and geographical regions that formed the Pacific: Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. Until the European invasion, the people were known to have practiced cannibalism, kidnapping, and slavery, and head-hunting. Now, they are predominantly Christians, since Christian missionaries began to influence the lifestyle of the people. The Black Blondes Genetically, people inherit their skin and hair color from their parents and the typical hair color for most darker-skinned Africans is usually black or at least dark brown. But the Solomon Islanders of Melanesia are known to have darker skin and natural blond hair. Something that's obviously quite unusual. Though there has been some speculation about the reason for their hair color, there is no telling for sure how it came about, as most of the hypotheses are linked to excessive exposure to the Sun and a fish-based diet. More accurately, a genetic analysis was carried out by Sean Myles a geneticist from Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Canada. To explain the blond hair of the Solomon Islanders, Myles experimented on the saliva and hair samples he took from 1209 Melanesians in the Solomon Islands. He compared 42 brown-haired people with 43 blondes on the island and found that the blond Melanesians carried two copies of a mutant gene that is present in 26% of the islanders. It turns out the Melanesians have a native TYRP1 gene that contributes to their melanin and unusual hair color — which is more common in children and eventually darkens as they grow older. It is no wonder that the children mainly have blond hair while the adults appear to have darker hair. #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #blackLivesMatter #DarkSkin #BlackPeople #Blond #melanesianBlondHairExplained #melanesianBlond #melanesianPeople #melanesianPeoplesOrigins #melanesianDnaTest #melanesianTribe #melanesianBlondeHairBlueEyes #areMelanesiansBlack #famousMelanesians #melanesianWomen #melanesianDna #blondHair #DNA #Melanesians #naturalBlondeHair #blondeHair #hairGenetics #Genetics #DNATest #blondAfricans #melanesia #solomonIslands #polynesia