Breeding the New German “Race“

One way the Nazis encouraged “strong and pure” Aryans to have more children was through the “marriage loan” program. Beginning in June 1933, the government made interest-free loans of up to 1,000 marks available to young couples who intended to get married, provided that they met certain criteria. One criterion was that both the man and woman could prove their “Aryan” heritage. Another criterion was that the bride had to have been employed for six months in the two years preceding the marriage, and she had to promise to leave her job and stay home until the loan was paid off. This requirement was intended to encourage working women to leave the job market and make more jobs available to men. Finally, for each child born to the couple, a quarter of the loan amount was forgiven. Therefore, if the couple had four children, they would not have to repay any of the original loan amount. In this way, the program encouraged healthy “Aryan” couples to have more children and reinforced what the Nazis believed was the proper role of women in society. (Richard J. Evans, The Third Reich in Power (New York: Penguin, 2005), 330–331.) #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #eugenics #sterilization #IQTests #IQScore #Genetics #margaretSanger #reproduction #nazis #naziGermany #naziEugenics #racialHygiene #civilRights #AryanRace #breeding #humanMating #matingOfPeople #peopleMating #eugenicsTheory #darkSideOfScienceDocumentary #CharlesDarwin #galton #scienceDocumentary #BabyAlbertExperiment #theMonsterStudy #DarkSideOfScience #scientificDocumentary #historyDocumentary #adolfHitler #Aryan #selection