RNA polymerase, DNA polymerase, Reverse transcriptase, Replicase and Red-Green Color Blindness

A reverse transcriptase (RT) is an enzyme used to generate complementary DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template, a process termed reverse transcription. Reverse transcriptases are used by certain viruses such as HIV and the hepatitis B virus to replicate their genomes, by retrotransposon mobile genetic elements to proliferate within the host genome, and by eukaryotic cells to extend the telomeres at the ends of their linear chromosomes. Contrary to a widely held belief, the process does not violate the flows of genetic information as described by the classical central dogma, as transfers of information from RNA to DNA are explicitly held possible. Retroviral RT has three sequential biochemical activities: RNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity, ribonuclease H (RNase H), and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity. Collectively, these activities enable the enzyme to convert single-stranded RNA into double-stranded cDNA. In retroviruses and retrotransposons, this cDNA can then integrate into the host genome, from which new RNA copies can be made via host-cell transcription. The same sequence of reactions is widely used in the laboratory to convert RNA to DNA for use in molecular cloning, RNA sequencing, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), or genome analysis. Anomalous Trichromacy People with ‘faulty’ trichromatic vision will be colour blind to some extent and are known as anomalous trichromats. In people with this condition all of their three cone types are used to perceive light colors but one type of cone perceives light slightly out of alignment, so that there are three different types of effect produced depending upon which cone type is ‘faulty’. #RNAPolymerase #DNAPolymerase #reverseTranscriptase #ReplicaseAndRedGreenColorBlindness #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #RedGreenColorBlindness #Genetics #geneticDisorder #mutation #geneticDisease #xchromosome #recessiveGeneticDisorder #redgreenColorBlindness #Hemophilia #physiology #biology #ColorBlindness #visionDeficiency #sexlinked #ColorBlindnessDiseaseOrMedicalCondition #HealthIndustry #GeneticsFieldOfStudy