Start codon and DNA synthesis

DNA replication In nature, such molecules are created by all living cells through the process of DNA replication, with replication initiator proteins splitting the existing DNA of the cell and making a copy of each split strand, with the copied strands then being joined together with their template strand into a new DNA molecule. Various means also exist to artificially stimulate the replication of naturally occurring DNA, or to create artificial gene sequences. #genetics #DNA #RNA #tRNA #biology #transcription #translation #polypeptide #aminoAcids #enzyme #codon #nucleotide #codonTable #mRNA #aminoAcid #codons #proteins #nucleicAcids #rybosome #anticodon #rRNA #TransferRNA #GeneticsFieldOfStudy #antiCodon #stopCodon #startCodon #AnticodonAndCodon #anticodonLoop #anticodonWooble #anticodonSequence #basePairs #protein #typesOfRNA #codonChart #RNAPolymerase #transcriptionVsTranslation