Novak Djokovic: THE SIGN OF THE CROSS that Shakes the OLYMPICS!

Novak Djokovic: THE SIGN OF THE CROSS that Shakes the OLYMPICS! Dear brothers and sisters, Today, we reflect on an event that took place during the Olympics in Paris. Djokovic made the sign of the cross after his gold medal victory and showed the cross around his neck. These gestures are prohibited at the Olympics, but why? And what does it mean for all of us? Don't miss the video and let us know what you think! #faithstories #prayerprayer #faithjourney ► subscribe @christianwayprayer Christian Way is a Christian channel, a reference point for prayer. With us, you can pray every day and listen to the word of God. You can pray to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary, the Saints, Padre Pio, Saint Rita, pray for health, pray for work, pray for the family, pray for loved ones. In the channel, you will find: Daily Gospel Daily Readings Vespers Compline Meditations on the word of God Christian meditations Bible readings Psalms You will also find these prayers: morning prayer, evening prayer, prayer to ask for a grace, prayer for the deceased, prayer to the Holy Spirit, simple prayer, Angelus prayer, prayer for the family, miraculous prayer, Christian meditation, prayer before going to sleep, novenas, prayer of deliverance, healing prayer. Join us in prayer and subscribe to the channel to not miss out on new prayers, meditations, and gospel readings.