Azteca - God of the Sacred Cave

In the year Ce Tecpatl (ca. 1168) an omen from the god Huitzilopochtli led the people of Aztlan away from their ancestral home. Sailing to unknown lands, these pilgrims now follow the will of their lord, his promise of glory and the foundation of a city in his name. The Age of the Aztec begins. Directed by: Alan Gálvez Producer: Tabatha Casas Screenplay by Tabatha Casas and Alan Galvez Original Concept by Dante Díaz & Anel Baldit Based on “Codex Boturini“ (Tale of The Aztec Migration) AZTECA IS: Dante Díaz as Quetzalcoatl (vocals) Luis Sugrañes as Mictlantecuhtli (guitar) Chac Ramos as: Tlaloc (bass) Guest Guitar: Alberto Ruiz as Huitzilopochtli “Ek Balam“, Emilio Francisco Zúñiga Reyes as: Huitzilopochtli, The God Of The Sacred Cave. Nok Niuk Dance Company: “Aztlan“ , Rodrigo Daniel Ruiz Ribera “Xolotl“, David Yakin Gutiérrez Jimenez “Ek Balam"