The newborn puppies was thrown into the garbage dump by their owner, crying non stop with hunger!

The newborn puppies was thrown into the garbage dump by their owner, crying non stop with hunger! Subscribe: Minutes later, I arrived at the dump. The sight was overwhelming: heaps of discarded items, broken furniture, and piles of rotting food stretched out before me. But it was the faint, heart-wrenching cries that spurred me on. I carefully picked my way through the trash, following the sound until I found them. There, nestled among the refuse, were two tiny, shivering puppies. Their eyes were closed, and their cries were weak. They were so small, so fragile, they seemed like they could disappear into the heaps of garbage around them. My heart broke for them. How could anyone do this? I gently scooped them up, feeling their frail bodies quiver in my hands. “It’s okay, little ones,” I whispered. “I’m here now.” I rushed home, cradling the puppies close to keep them warm. Once inside, I set up a makeshift nursery with soft blankets and a heating