PAS LE TEMPS DE VIVRE Mylene Farmer Bi-Lingual Paroles et Words 7 57

thank you for allowing embellishment of this copyright not my own... TRANSLATION There are some hours where___________________Il est des heures ou The shadows dissipate____________________Les ombres se dissipent Pain immobilizes________________________________La douleur se fige There are those hours_________________________Il est des heures ou When being is invincible____________________Quand l'etre s'invincible Leprosy bows down______________________________La lepre s'incline But if could have seen________________________Mais si j'avais pu voir That one day____________________________________________Qu'un jour I'd be the one you haunt______________________Je serai qui tu hantes That I would need_________________________________Qu'il me faudrait Your breath there____________________________________La ton soufflé To conquer uncertainty___________________Pour vaincre l'incertitude Lock away my solitude________________________