Double X-Class Solar Flares June 10, 2014

New Active Region 12087 turning the eastern limb just unleashed two powerful X-Class Solar Flares today. The first was registered at 11:42 UTC and peaked to X2.2 and the second blast at 12:52 UTC peaked to X1.5 was also responsible for a long duration event and therefore does have a strong Coronal Mass Ejection associated on latest imagery but will not be earth directed. Newsletter Download Link (June) Website Subscription Information Facebook Live Quake Data Earthquake Forecasting Channel Another Quality Solar youtube Channel Earthquake Reporting Channel Soho Website Solar Soft website Solar Terrestrial Activity Report WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction Helioviewer Quality Solar Website Estimated Planetary K index information GOES Xray Flux Data Sunspot Information from Solar Monitor Quality Weather Website Space Weather Website Music Used is composed by Zack Hemsey - “Redemption“