Velvet club, music video, night club promo

Velvet club, music video, night club promo Greetings everyone. Here is short music video from such awesome event: Bangkok Island Boat Party river cruise. Very dynamic, rhythmic, and stylish, with cool local DJ's, very beautiful people, amazing dancers & other performers. In the next music clips will show you the best places around, very good organization, cool music, where you can get best vibes ever, what else do we need for have the wonderful night out? This time cool music video for Velvet night club, best night clubs in Bangkok. Later I will upload more different videos from different kind of events, not only exhibitions, also music festivals, rooftop parties and so on. Enjoy the short music video! Let me know what you think about. Thank you for your support! Music: Audio Blocks Friends Forever-19024 jasondonnelly #bestclubsreview, #bestnightclubs, #nightlifereview, #worldpoolparties, #topworldclubs, #bestpoolparties, #awesomeparty, #bestrooftoppartie, #influencer, #v