ENG SUB《程序员那么可爱 Cute Programmer》EP27——邢昭林,祝绪丹 | 腾讯视频-青春剧场

▶Download “WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)“ APP to watch more episodes ▶Join Facebook group to chat about WeTV dramas ▶Join Tencent Video & WeTV VIP Group : ▶Welcome to subscribe and enjoy more OST 爱上代码男神姜逸城后,陆漓不仅攻读姜逸城同校+计算机专业,还在心里埋下了一颗程序员种子。陆漓以追求姜逸城为目标,一路复制姜氏学霸之路,却没想到姜逸城的创业公司竟然不招女生。为了近距离拿下大神,陆漓不惜「女扮男装」入职姜逸城公司,开始与傲娇总裁姜逸城斗智斗勇。一次次的打击和身份怀疑让陆漓在公司举步维艰,为了自己的暗恋事业和人生目标,陆漓拼尽一切抓住机会,终于和姜逸城达成一年的契约夫妇。两人在同居中展开甜蜜互动,姜逸城对陆漓渐渐动心而不自知。 ☞主演: 邢昭林/祝绪丹 【Synopsis】After falling in love with genius programmer Jiang Yicheng, Lu Li enrolls into the school he once studied at, and also took up the same major - calculus. Setting Jiang Yicheng as her role model in her heart, she achieves good grades in school. However after graduation, she did not expect that Jiang Yicheng's company does not recruit female employees. Lu Li decides to disguise as a man and enter the company. However, she met difficulty both in dealing with Jiang Yicheng's demands, as well as hiding her identity. Finally with her perseverance, she grabbed hold of an opportunity and managed to come to an agreement with Jiang Yicheng. The two would become a “contract couple“ and stay together for one year. Slowly, Jiang Yicheng finds himself falling for Lu Li. 【Starring】Xing Zhaolin, Zhu Xudan, Yi Daqian, Tian Yitong 💥腾讯视频重磅推荐💥 ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien》: ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien S2》: ♥《爱的二八定律 She and Her Perfect Husband》: ♥《余生,请多指教 The Oath of Love》: ♥《致我们暖暖的小时光 Put Your Head On My Shoulder》: ♥《我的小确幸 My Little Happiness》: 🔒订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: ☞ 腾讯视频动漫: ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: ☞ 腾讯视频青春剧场: ☞ 腾讯视频古装剧场: ☞ 腾讯视频悬疑剧场: ☞ 腾讯视频OST精选: ☞ 腾讯视频精选微剧: ☞ 腾讯视频脱口秀大会: ☞ 腾讯视频 - 纪录片: ☞ 腾讯视频明星剧场: ☞ 企鹅大影院: ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: ☞ WeTV 台灣: ☞ WeTV Thailand: ☞ WeTV Indonesia: ☞ WeTV Vietnam: ☞ WeTV English: ☞ WeTV Arabic: ☞ WeTV Spanish: ☞ WeTV Korea: ☞ WeTV Turkish: ☞ WeTV Russian: ☞ WeTV Portuguese: ☞ WeTV Malaysia: ☞ WeTV Dunia Drama: ☞ WeTV ซีรีย์สุดปัง: #程序员那么可爱 #CuteProgrammer #ChineseDrama