Дом графини Софьи Владимировны Паниной - 1913/The House of Countess S. V. Panina - 1913

Дом графини Софьи Владимировны Паниной (наб.Фонтанки,7) 1913 г. The house of Countess Sofia Vladimirovna Panina (Fontanka River Embankment ,7). 1913 Countess Sofia was an heiress, philanthropist and founder of the Ligov People's House in St. Petersburg. Count Viktor Nikitch Panin, her paternal grandfather, was one of Russia's richest serfowners as well as Minister of Justice for over twenty five years. Panina's father died in 1872 when she was not even two years old, leaving her the principal heir of the enormous Panin Panina's paternal grandmother, Countess Natalia Pavlovna Panina, successfully petitioned Emperor Alexander III to remove eleven-year-old Sofia from her mother's custody, and enrolled her at the Catherine Institute in St Petersburg, one of the elite boarding schools for noble girls. It was not until the February Revolution of 1917 that Sofia started playing a role in politics. She wrote in her memoirs: “I never belonged to any political party and my interests were concentrated on questions of education and general culture, which alone, I was deeply convinced, could provide a firm foundation for a free political order.” During the Great War Countess she worked for Saint Petersburg City Duma ensuring the families of reservists called up for the war were being looked after. On International Women's Day, 1917, Panina along with some other suitable women were appointed as delegates to the Petrograd (Saint Petersburg) Duma. Their positions were confirmed in the August elections. She was elected to the Kadet Party Central Committee at the beginning of May and was soon the first woman in world history to hold a cabinet position when she became assistant minister in the newly created Ministry of State Welfare, under Minister Prince Dmitrii Shakhovskoi. Then in August she was made assistant minister of education under Sergei Oldenburg, the Minister of Education. However when the Kadet Party was faced with the revolution of October 1917, Sofia was to play an even more prominent role. On the night of 25 October the Duma sent her as one of three delegates to visit the Aurora in an unsuccessful attempt to persuade them to hold their fire. Following the seizure of power, her home at 23 Sergievskaia Street Liteinyi district was used for meetings of three important anti-Bolshevik groups. he was arrested at her home on 28 November and was made to pay a large fine. only…. In 1920 Panina was forced to flee Russia, never to return. She ended her days in New York City and died in June 1956. На месте дома по наб. Фонтанки в начале XIX в. размещались лаковые мастерские и двор спичечного и столярного дел мастера фон Болеса. Первоначальные фасады конца XVIII - начала XIX. В 1831 г. дом принадлежал жене полковника Скорятиной. В 1832 г. для нового владельца - гофмейстера графа Мусина-Пушкина был составлен проект переделки обоих фасадов в суховатых формах безордерного ампира. В своем особняке на Фонтанке Панина бывала редко - она жила в доме 23 по Сергиевской ул. (Чайковского). В 1918 г. Панина эмигрировала...... Music: The Intermezzo from the Petite Suite by Alexander Borodin.