Tiamat | Entity of Primordial Chaos

In Mesopotamian lore, in the beginning there was naught but an endless dark sea of swirling chaos, from which came Tiamat. Often portrayed in modern art and media as a large dragon or a sea serpent, Tiamat embodies the primordial chaos from which the world was born. Her union with Apsu led to the creation of the first generation of gods. However, these new gods would push Tiamat into waging war on her own children, culminating in an ultimate battle with Marduk! Support us on Patreon! MYTHOLOGY HAS BEEN TOLD AND RETOLD IN MANY FORMS ACROSS TIME, STORIES AND ACCOUNTS MAY VARY. MUSIC: “Sumer Meditation“ by Diviori Music CLIPS: Stock footage of dark waves OPENING: ARTISTS FEATURED: Kenny Gonzalo Steve Simon Marina Polo JB LaTorre Victoria Indorilova Mitchell Nolte ShiningDarkness1 Tapi Jung Johan Poncet Olivia Want Nestor Avalos Paul