Serenaded by Australian Magpies

Over a decade ago, Danielle's journey as the Magpie Whisperer began when she first discovered her fascination for these intelligent birds. From that point on, she dedicated herself to the study and care of magpies, developing a deep bond and understanding of their behaviors and personalities. She enjoys observing their interactions with each other and with their environment, from the way they enjoy playing, to the intricate vocalizations they use to communicate with one another. Over the years, her passion for magpies has only grown stronger, and she has made it her mission to raise awareness about these birds and to showcase their fun and lovable side through various means. In addition to raising awareness, Danielle's fascination with magpies also motivated her to become a licensed wildlife carer. She was determined to repay these birds for all the countless ways they had helped her. Through her work, she has provided medical attention and rehabilitation to numerous injured or orphaned magpies, with the goal of helping them return to their natural habitat. In some cases, she has even taken in young magpies and raised them by hand, giving them a chance to thrive and survive in the wild. Battling from severe anxiety and depression, over a decade ago, Danielle found a surprising ally in the form of magpies. Through the darkest of days, these intelligent birds stand by her, providing comfort and companionship when she needs it the most. This experience serves as a testament to the special connection between humans and animals, highlighting the therapeutic effects of nature on mental health. “When experiencing moments of emotional distress, I find comfort in the company of Australian Magpies. Their resounding melodies provide an instant boost to my mood and a sense of calm to my mind. To me, magpies are not just birds, but rather cherished companions who are essential to my sense of well-being. Their presence has brought a sense of purpose and belonging that is exceptional, and I cannot imagine the direction my life would have taken without them.“ Danielle finds solace in the company of birds, and often prefers their company to that of people. This preference stems from the fact that animals, unlike people, do not judge or criticize. Danielle has expressed that being around people can cause feelings of anxiety or discomfort, which she does not experience in the presence of animals. For her, the presence of animals provides a sense of peace and calm that is difficult to replicate in human interactions. In this sense, birds have become not only a source of joy and entertainment but also a source of emotional support for Danielle. Facebook - Instagram - Website -