The Whole Thing Is About To Collapse | Max Keiser

In a recent episode of the Jimmy Dore Show featuring Max Keiser, the conversation dove deep into the decline of the American dollar, which Keiser described as one of the largest Ponzi schemes over the past 50-60 years. This bold assertion sets the stage for a comparison between the traditional financial systems and emerging digital currencies. Keiser particularly spotlighted El Salvador’s pioneering move to adopt Bitcoin, contrasting its bold economic strategy with the more conservative approach of the United States. At present, Bitcoin’s price stands at $61,979, marking a % increase over the past week. As the global supply of Bitcoin tightens, countries like El Salvador are not only investing in the cryptocurrency but are also integrating it into their economic framework, potentially setting a precedent for other nations. Keiser’s insights delve into how El Salvador’s ongoing commitment to Bitcoin could eventually position it as one of the wealthiest countries in the world due to its early and aggre