Jan Dismas Zelenka Melodrama de Sancto Wenceslao ZWV 175, Marek Štryncl

Jan Dismas Zelenka Melodrama de Sancto Wenceslao ZWV 175 Sub olea pacis et palma virtutis conspicua orbi regia Bohemiae Corona Under the olive tree of peace and the palm tree of virtue the Crown of Bohemia splendidly shines before the whole world. Pod olivou míru ctnosti před celým světem nádherně se skvoucí koruna Čech. 1. Symphonia 0:00 2. Pprolusio 5:55 3. Actus I. 24:54 4. Actus II. 39:43 5. Actus III. 1:13:12 6. Epilogus 1:26:39 Musica Florea Musica Aeterna Ensemble Philidor Boni Pueri (Czech Boy's Choir) Marek Štryncl Conductor St. Wenceslas: ,_Duke_of_Bohemia Pictures: 1. St, Wenceslas and St. Vitus by Bartolomeus Spranger 2. St, Wenceslas statue by Petr Parléř German architect, sculptor... 3. Chapel of St. Wenceslas in Cathedral of St. Wenceslas, St. Vitus and St. Adalbert in Prague 4. St. Wenceslas - detail by Petr Par