Wardruna - Gibu ( with lyrics and translation )

I do not own any content. Song copyrights by Wardruna. Pictures picked from the internet. ( Yes, I know that these are slavs on one of the pictures ) ___________________ Lyrics Hávamál stanza 43-47 43 Vin sínum skal maðr vinr vera þeim ok þess vinr en óvinar síns skyli engi maðr vinar vinr vera 44 Veiztu ef þú vin átt þanns þú vel trúir ok vill þú af honum gótt geta geði skalt við þann blanda ok gjöfum skipta fara at finna opt 45 Ef þú át annan þanns þú illa trúir vildu af honum þó gótt geta fagrt skalt við þann mæla en flátt hyggja ok gjalda lausung við lygi 46 Þat er enn of þann er þú illa trúir ok þér er grunr at hans geði hlæja skaltu við þeim ok um hug mæla glík skulu gjöld gjöfum 47 Ungr var ek forðum fór ek einn saman þá varð ek villr vega auðigr þóttumk er ek annan fann maðr er manns gaman _____________________ Translation 43 A man must be a friend to his friend, for himself and for the friend, but no man must be a friend of a friend of his foe. 44 Know, if you have a friend in whom you have faith, and you wish to get something good from him, you must share with his mind and exchange gifts, and go often to seek him out. 45 If you have another whom you mistrust, but you want to get something good from him, you must speak fair to him, and think deceitful thoughts, and give deception in return for a lie. 46 There is more about the one whom you mistrust and whose disposition you suspect: you should laugh with him and speak other than your thought. There should be repayment for such gifts. 47 Long ago I was young, I travelled on my own, then I turned astray in my paths: I thought myself rich when I found another, man is man's entertainment. Lyrics and translation taken from #topoftext based on Wardruna - Yggdrasil CD booklet. Hail, brothers and sisters!