Frontiers Await: A Kerbal Space Program Animation [Subtitles]

The crew of Expedition 41, Kerman, Kerman and Kerman, just undocked from the JKEV interplanetary vessel on their way to the surface. It's their 3rd trip to the Jool system, and Laythe is starting to feel like home for them. Being so close to the end of their journey, the whole trip gets challenged by a storm near the landing spot. They need to assess the risk and make a decision. 3D animation created over three years, on and off, using Blender 3 and 4 and rendered with both EEVEE and Cycles render engines. Postprocessing done with Nuke and editing done with Adobe Premiere. Thank you all for your patience. I know the wait has been longer than expected, but here it is. After moving to another continent and getting a job in the industry, it's been tough to find the hours to work on the project. Thanks to those who kept reminding me and asking about the status of the animation, I've been reminded quite often of the short film and gained strength to do the final tweaks to deliver a finished movie. I hope that, once you see the final result, you understand why it took so long to complete. Until next time! Juan Ignacio. #blender #KerbalSpaceProgram #b3d #blenderanimation #cinematic #3d #nuke #premierepro #cinematography #eevee #scifi #space #explore #ksp