Yat Kha Shartylaam My Locust. video made by Martin Linford

From the forthcoming album: We Will Never Die (lscd 21) ISRC: DES102000139 songtitle: Shartylaam (My Locust) music: Albert Kuvezin lyrics: Tuvan Shamans' original texts ( see for lyrics in English below). Guitars, percussion, Vox: Albert Kuvezin Igil (trad Tuvan bowed instrument), bVox - Sholban Mongush Recorded & mixed: Thilo Kuhn at Klangbad Studio, Sheer, Swabia Germany Mastered: Marc Urselli, Los Angeles, CA Taken from Yat-Kha’s forthcoming album “We Will Never DIe“ to be release in autumn 2020 on CD and vinyl on Lollipoppe Shoppe, lscd 021 Publisher: Wuzetka Music Publishing/GEMA Lyrics: Your look is smart like you covered by boa (necklet), Your figure is like grey falcon sits, Meeting with you leaves strange impression,- You are similar to bull with big crooked horns. To look from the side on you is even funny, You walk barely, move slowly. You look like a spotted bullock Which carries yurt’s wall lattice during migration. Chorus: While voiced drum sounds I ask you, my locust, jump skillfully and easily. While drum’s echo is heard I ask you, my locust, fly flexible and fast. You, my locust, when morning arouses Start to sleep turning into death. You, my locust, when the noon heats Begins to play and make dancing of joy. You , my locust, behave yourself willfully, You must hide in the grass and sagebrush. You , my locust, ring your garrulous music, You have a vocation to declare of Nature decree. Chorus.