Šta donosi vojna saradnja Srbije i Egipta? - What brings Serbian & Egyptian Military Cooperation?

#vojskasrbije #egipat #lazanski #lazar3m #nora #b52 #sph #top #gun #howitzer #serbianarmy #naoruzanje #oruzje #weapons #armament #army #military #egypt #armedforces #vojska #armija #egyptianarmy #alsisi Yesterday, as part of his official visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Defense Minister Miloš Vučević visited the Department for Combat Vehicles within the Military Industry Complex in Cairo. Minister Vučević was welcomed at the factory by the Director of Armaments of the Egyptian Armed Forces, Major General Kamal Mohamed Radwan, who together with his colleagues presented the production capacities of the plant for the production of combat vehicles, the Ministry of Defense announced. Vučević, together with the members of the delegation of the Ministry and the Serbian Army, also attended a presentation related to current projects and plans for the development of new ones, as well as a display of some of the factory's production assets. As the President of Egypt, Fatah Al-Sisi, visited Serbia a year ago, and on that occasion he was shown the new Serbian weapons and those that are under development, yesterday's visit of the Minister of Defense of Serbia to Egypt gains importance in terms of deepening the military cooperation between Serbia and Egypt. And what could that mean? Juče je ministar odbrane Miloš Vučević obišao u okviru zvanične posete Arapskoj Republici Egipat Odeljenje za borbena vozila u okviru Kompleksa vojne industrije u Kairu. Ministra Vučevića je u fabrici dočekao direktor za naoružanje egipatskih Oružanih snaga general-major Kamal Mohamed Radvan koji je sa svojim saradnicima predstavio proizvodne kapacitete pogona te fabrike za proizvodnju borbenih vozila, saopštilo je Ministarstvo odbrane. Vučević je sa članovima delegacije ministarstva i Vojske Srbije prisustvovao i prezentaciji koja se odnosila na aktuelne projekte i planove za razvoj novih, kao i prikazu nekih od proizvodnih aduta te fabrike. Kako je predsednik Egipta Fatah Al Sisi pre godinu dana posetio Srbiju i tom prilikom mu je prikazano novo srpsko naoružanje i ono koje je u razvoju, onda jučerašnja poseta ministra odbrane Srbije Egiptu dobija na značaju u smislu produbljivanja vojne saradnje Srbije i Egipta. A šta bi to moglo da znači?