Autumn Park Architectural Animation | Gork Studio

Animation of a park for a bank's exposition at an exhibition Project: Park Client: VTB Geo: Finopolis 2023 Production: Gork Studio The challenge of implementing the project was unique in that, within two weeks, it was necessary to conceive two different park locations from scratch, approve the concept with the client, cyclically animate all the vegetation, render, and deliver the project before the start of the exhibition. The task was accomplished - the client was satisfied) Анимация парка для экспозиции банка на выставке Soft: - 3ds Max; - Сorona Render; - DaVinci Resolve; - Fusion Studio; Задача по реализации проекта уникальна тем, что за две недели необходимо было с нуля придумать две разные локации парка, утвердить концепцию с клиентом, циклично заанимировать всю растительность, отрендерить и сдать проект до начала выставки. С задачей справились - клиент остался доволен) “Want a similar project? Contact us:“ 📧 Email: just@ 📱 Telegram: @gorkme Gork Studio social: 🌐 Site: 📸 Instagram: @gorkstudio Gork Journal links: 🌐 Site: 📰 Telegram: @GorkJournal Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for new projects and nice architecture!