infinite zoom: the inner universe

NEW: NO-WATERMARK VERSION: Feel free to use this video for any legal and positive purpose. No need to ask. See details below and in various replies. You can download the original video, and source materials,. here: I created this to advertise my art web site, “HeyLookThatsMe“. That web site ceased operation in January 2017, so I can focus more on my game ( ). Lots of people asked me for a version without the watermark, but sadly my backup hard disk had died, so I could not help. But good news! In January 2019 iI got the backuo disk working again, and uploaded the no-watermark version: ____________________________________________ HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN VIDEO LIKE THIS ____________________________________________ 1. create 40 images in Photoshop. Each is around 4000 pixels on each side. Each image contained a small version of the next image. 2. The idea is to make the first image expand until the middle section is full screen. Then replace the middle section with the next picture, and make THAT expand. And so on. The easy way to do this is with Adobe After Effects. But After Effects is expensive. If you don't have any money, use Blender instead. Blender is a free, open source 3D program. Instead of expanding flat images, I made thin cuboid objects, each with an image as its “texture“. I then expanded the objects. If you've ever used a 3D modelling program its a simple enough idea. The hardest part was making the objects expand smoothly. Easy in After Effects. Very hard in Blender. See my source files for details. Good luck! ____________________________________________ FAQ: ____________________________________________ Why does the woman look odd? I had to create a fake super-high resolution image from lots of lower resolution images. It gives the image a strange distorted plastic look. If I had better source images it would look better. But I like interesting faces, so I left it. Is every detail accurate? It's an accurate guide to “the sort of thing“ you would find. For example, real atoms are basically full of empty space. But I showed a lot of crazy patterns because there are quantum fluctuations and probability fields that make atoms fascinating links to infinite possibilities. ____________________________________________________________________ LEGAL STUFF (READ THIS IF YOU INTEND TO REUSE THE VIDEO OR ITS SOURCE) ____________________________________________ Music: This video uses three pieces. In order, they are: “Haunting“ by Matthew Milne of Logan Leistikow's Public Music Project. The PMP was a site devoted to providing free (and royalty free) music for projects like this. Milne confirmed by email that he is happy for me to use this piece. He's a great guy. “Tenebrous Brothers Carnival - Mermaid“ and “Long Road Ahead“ by Kevin McLeod of . McLeod is the patron saint of poverty stricken YouTubers, providing quality, royalty free music at no charge. Visit his site! Music was merged using Audacity. Audacity and Blender (and the Gimp for the art) are free and open source. ________________________ Art: All images are either created by me, public domain, or based on creative commons “attribution only, derivatives allowed“ or similar license. Some of it is “sharealike“ but the YouTube license does not allow downloading. So if you want a free copy of this video for your own mashups, contact me and I'll send it by email. “Close up eye“ by Ben Mortimer Photography. “My left retina“ by martin Cathrae Electron microscopy images from Dartmouth College (public domain) Thanks, Dartmouth! Small molecules generated by the Gimp (marble madness plugin) Large molecules: “eclipses“ and “OBAFGKM“ by fdecomite Subatomic fractal details rendered in Apophysis, using data adapted from flames by “mutequacky“ (the beautiful central image) and “kugel“. Galaxies: a combination of numerous NASA public domain images. E.g. the main Milky Way image is adapted from “cosmological masterpiece“ and “Hubble snaps heavyweight“ by NASA/Goddard, uploaded to their Flickr account under creative commons 2.0. Star fields: Random stars generated in The Gimp. Planet Earth: public domain images from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, via the Visible Earth project. Cambodia from space: public domain images via NASA's Earth Observatory. Angkor Watt from the air: by “jurvetson“ and several photos by “oldandsolo“ Close up of Angkor buildings: Victoria Peckham“, ““, and “michael clarke stuff“ Tree roots by “reibai“ Door details by “David A. Villa“ and “mckaysavage“ Still images were adapted and merged in Photoshop Elements 5 and the Gimp. Thanks for viewing!