Ancient Pyramids from around the World

You may be wondering just how many pyramids are in the world? Well, you would be surprised to know that there are over 5000 pyramids around the globe. 🎥 Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:11 Cambodian Pyramid 00:42 Indonesian Pyramids 03:54 Micronesia Pyramids 04:21 Belize Pyramids 07:01 El Salvador Pyramids 08:25 Guatemala Pyramids 12:05 Honduras Pyramids 13:08 Mexican Pyramids 29:26 Ecuador Pyramids 29:54 Peru Pyramids 31:46 Bolivia Pyramid 32:14 Kazakhstan Pyramid 32:35 Greek Pyramids 33:04 Pyramids of Italy 34:08 Japanese Pyramids 34:57 Chinese Pyramids 37:17 Pyramids in the US 37:37 Egyptian Pyramids 44:53 Sudan Pyramids 45:35 Canary Islands Pyramids 46:03 Mauritius Pyramids 46:31 Pyramids in Ireland 48:02 Pyramid in the Netherlands 48:15 Ziggurat in Iran 48:43 Ziggurats in Iraq 50:54 Speculative: Bosnian Pyramids 51:07 Speculative: Faroe Island Pyramids 51:28 Speculative: Pyramids in Antarctica Every Pyramid included in the video: Koh Ker Pyramid - Cambodia Candi Sukuh Pyramid - Indonesia Pugung Raharjo Pyramid - Indonesia Candi Kethek Pyramid - Indonesia Lebak Cibedug Pyramid - Indonesia Gunung Padang - Indonesia Borobudur - Indonesia The Green Pyramids of Palau - Micronesia Lamanai - Belize Xunantunich - Belize Altun Ha - Belize Caracol - Belize Lubaantun - Belize Nim Li Punit - Belize Tazumal - El Salvador Cihuatán - El Salvador San Andrés - El Salvador Nakum - Guatemala Yaxha - Guatemala Tikal - Guatemala Mixco Viejo - Guatemala Aguateca - Guatemala El Mirador - Guatemala Zaculeu - Guatemala Kaminaljuyu - Guatemala Copán - Honduras El Puente - Honduras Yarumela - Honduras Tulum - Mexico La Joya - Mexico Angamuco - lost pyramid city - Mexico La Quemada - Mexico La Venta - Mexico Huapalcalco - Mexico El Cerrito - Mexico Great Pyramid of Cholula - Mexico Teotihuacan - Mexico Moral Reforma - Mexico Coba - Mexico Palenque - Mexico Chacchoben - Mexico Chichen Itza - Mexico Monte Alban - Mexico Calakmul - Mexico Cuyuxquihui - Mexico El Tajín - Mexico Izamal - Mexico Uxmal - Mexico Yaxchilan - Mexico Tulu - Mexico Bonampak - Mexico Comalcalco - Mexico Mayapan - Mexico Santa Cecilia Acatitlan - Mexico Tenayuca - Mexico El Tepozteco - Mexico Xochicalco - Mexico Xochitecatl - Mexico Tzintzuntzan - Mexico Chunyaxche (Muyil) - Mexico Cempoala - Mexico Templo mayor - Mexico Tlatelolco - Mexico Dzibanche - Mexico Yohualichan - Mexico Cuauhtinchan - Mexico Los Guachimontones - Mexico Cuicuilco Pyramid - Mexico Pyramids of Cochasqui - Ecuador Pachacamac - Peru Huaca Huallamarca - Peru Caral - Pyramid city - Peru Tucume Pyramids - Peru Akapana Pyramid - Bolivia Kazakhstan Pyramid - Kazakhstan Pyramids of Argolis - Greece Etruscan Pyramid of Bomarzo - Italy Monte d'Accoddi - Italy The Pyramid of Cestius - Italy Zuto Pagoda - Japan Dotō - Japan Tomb of the General - China Han Changling - China Mausoleum of Shaohao - China Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor - China Qianling Mausoleum - China Western Han Dynasty Imperial Tombs - China Yangling Mausoleum of Han - China Monks Mound in Cahokia - USA Pyramid of Djoser - Egypt Meidum Pyramid - Egypt Pyramid of Menkaure - Egypt The Bent Pyramid - Egypt The Red Pyramid - Egypt Pyramid of Khafre - Egypt Great Pyramid of Giza - Egypt Pyramid of Userkaf - Egypt Pyramid of Sahure - Egypt Pyramid of Neferirkare - Egypt Pyramid of Nyuserre - Egypt Pyramid of Djedkare-Isesi - Egypt Pyramid of Unas - Egypt Pyramid of Teti - Egypt Pyramid of Pepi II - Egypt Pyramid of Amenemhet I - Egypt Pyramid of Senusret I - Egypt Pyramid of Senusret II - Egypt Pyramid of Senusret III - Egypt Pyramid of Amenemhat III - Egypt Pyramid of Hawara - Egypt Pyramids of Güímar - Canary Islands Pyramids of Meroë - Sudan Pyramids of Plaine Magnien - Mauritius Pyramid in the Neale - Ireland The Pyramid of Dublin - Ireland Kinnitty Pyramid - Ireland Howard Mausoleum - Ireland Pyramid of Austerlitz - Netherlands Chogha Zanbil (Iran) - Iran Ziggurat of Dur-Kurigalzu - Iraq The Ziggurat of Ur - Iraq Ziggurat of Nippur - Iraq Ziggurat of Kish - Iraq Ziggurat of Borsippa - Iraq Ziggurat of Uruk - Iraq Bosnian Pyramids - Bosnia Faroe Island Pyramids - Faroe Islands Antarctica Pyramid - Antarctica Azores Pyramids - The Azores There are many more Pyramids, some not featured in the video. You can find the full list here and more information on each Pyramid List of Pyramids around the world: Map here of all the pyramids including modern ones: #pyramid #pyramids #piramide #ancient #ancienthistory #historicalplaces #pyramidsofgiza #pyramidsegypt #mexicanpyramids #indonesia #ancientruins #historicplaces #history