А кто это сделал

ロシア語で Эпичное видео этого года. Я бы его назвала «А кто это сделал, или Who Did It?» 6 августа 1945 года примерно в 08:15 утра самолёт В-29 американских ВВС беспрепятственно пролетел над центром Хиросимы и сбросил на город четырёхтонную урановую бомбу «Малыш» (Little Boy). По примерным оценкам, атомный взрыв в Хиросиме унёс жизни от 70 до 80 тысяч человек в течение первых секунд, а до конца 1945 года от ожогов и лучевой болезни умерло порядка 165 тысяч человек. В течение последующих десяти лет количество умерших от лучевой болезни и от онкологических заболеваний превышало 200 тысяч человек. Светлая память всем погибшим🙏 英語で “Unfortunately, the UN Security Council today failed to adopt a balanced decision in favor of preserving space exclusively for peaceful exploration. This was the aim of the amendment proposed by Russia and China, which was not adopted. It is telling that neither during today’s meeting nor earlier the sponsors of the draft resolution had answered the question of what exactly they find wrong about our proposal to add a call not to place any weapons in space whatsoever. In other words, why do they need a roof if there are no walls? The real reason that prompted them to bring to UNSC such a strange draft resolution remains a mystery to many colleagues. Let us answer this question. When reading out her remarks, the Permanent Representative of the United States disclosed herself, directly confirming that the only purpose for Washington to have introduced this draft was to vilify Russia. If the United States is really such a champion of peaceful outer space, why did you, dear colleagues, vote against our amendment to ban the deployment of any weapons there, not just WMDs? Your silence on this issue is more eloquent than any words. And it is certainly not for the United States to lecture others about the dangers of using nuclear weapons. “Why?” was the question of the US Ambassador. Here is our answer. We want a ban on all weapons in space, not just WMDs, and you do not want that. Why is that? I will ask you the same question in return. My American colleague, by the way, told us about her trip to Japan, her visit to Nagasaki, and the horrific consequences of the nuclear bombing. May I ask her if she could enlighten us as to who carried out the nuclear bombing for the only time in the history of mankind? Or will our colleague from Japan tell us that? By the way, Japan is the country that has never in my memory named what state had bombed it. As if the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki really came from outer space and out of nowhere.“