Most of you know Dakota Frandsen from the podcast “BALD AND BONKERS“. Established author, poet, graphic designer, minister, paranormal investigator, advocate with domestic violence and suicide prevention causes, honorable cause doctorate holder, world traveler, patron to independent films, supporter of astronomical research, and musician, Dakota's only hope, is to serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who've seen life's most unfortunate events to chase their dreams and continue to help others. In this interview, he shares with Elena Danaan his off-planet experience... ---Bald and Bonkers Network website: ---Dakota's website: ---Bald and Bonkers Social Media: ---Book Dear Kota: Chris and Dakota have been trying to get a documentary off the ground to help get the discussion on UFOs to widen a bit more. They wish to give this project a cinematic appeal to attract some who may still be skeptical of what's going on, and to make everything come together they are building a crowdfunding page to help cover some expenses so they can get the final film to as many platforms as possible and get some special effects teams together to help make renderings of certain testimonies. Here is the trailer for the film. It really bring more into the story: here is the link to the campaign: #/