Yuzuru Hanyu & Baekhyun: Heaven on Earth | video made Feb. 2022 | short ver. | 羽生結弦 백현 | [ бг суб ]

Longer version here: * They told the warrior “You can not withstand the storm”, but the warrior replied “I am the storm”. That quote was said by a Chinese commentor when Yuzuru Hanyu finished his performance and got his second gold medal in Pyongchang Olympic figure skating. Not only did he win back to back Olympic medals but he also became the first male single skater to achieve a Super Slam. * * The Greatest of All Time, he is The Goat, Yuzuru Hanyu! * * Yes, The ., as The Greatest Of All Time. There is no one like him, Yuzuru Hanyu! * * A genius in action. * * A genius, Hanyu Yuzuru is a genius. Nobody, no one can skate as he does. No one uses the music like Yuzuru Hanyu does. * * Skating to Haru Yo Koi, May Spring Come – the lyrics refer to transcending the sky. There are many who feel he has transcended the sport. * * Yuzuru Hanyu is a true artist on ice. He even has his own style to step on the podium. * * To rise up and live purpo