Holland1 Submarine 1902 - 1913 (work-in-progress)

Please read these notes. This is the first stage of my project to model and animate the British Holland 1 submarine. It is a work-in-progress animation, and will be updated after further research. In 1900 the British shipbuilder, Vickers, purchased a licence from the Electric Boat Company of the United States to build 5 Holland design submarines for the Royal Navy. These became Holland numbers 1 to 5. They were very similar to the US Adder class submarines. They were 64 ft in length, nearly 12 ft in diameter and displaced 110 tons. Propulsion was provided by a 160 HP petrol (gasoline) engine giving 8 knots when surfaced, and a 70 HP electric motor giving 7 knots when dived. Each submarine had a single tube to launch an 18 inch torpedo, with up to 2 reloads. The Holland submarines were used to assess the capabilities of submarines for attacking and also to work out anti-submarine tactics. The Hollands were very limited in their capabilities and soon were superseded by larger Vickers designs.