Ozone Hole Worse than Ever for Last Three Years

Please donate to to support my research and videos joining the dots on abrupt climate system mayhem. Ozone Hole Worse than Ever for Last Three Years Remember the ozone hole? Wasn’t it supposed to be fixed? In 1987 the Montreal Protocol was agreed upon to ban CFCs (chloro-fluoro-carbons) and other halons that chemically reacted with ozone in the upper atmosphere (stratosphere). Destruction of the ozone meant that more of the Sun’s ultraviolet rays (uv) could get to the surface harming all living things below the hole. The Montreal Protocol was ratified and went into effect in 1989. It is often touted as a success story on action to protect the environment and planet. Think again… Huge size… For the last three years (2021, 2022, and 2023) the ozone hole has been bigger than ever. It has reached record levels of size. Long duration… It is starting over Antarctica in August and running through to late December (near re