💥《灵剑尊》 Spirit Sword Sovereign |楚行云决战帝天!竟被帝天打败?| 💕MUTI SUB | Donghua

下载WeTV APP可以看更多精彩动漫最新节目: #刀哥说动漫 #国漫 #动漫解说 #cartoon #anime #斗罗大陆 #斗破苍穹 #吞噬星空 #画江湖之不良人 #神印王座 #完美世界 #非人哉 #遮天 Drama Name:【灵剑尊 Spirit Sword Sovereign 】 💕动漫简介: 万众期待的武府选拔终于开始!比赛风波四起,天才云集,无数强者激烈鏖战,事故频发,而赛事后那场人为控制的兽潮,接踵而至的强者暗杀,都显示出了神秘而庞大的暗杀宗派——天演门。且看楚行云如何在这场波云诡谲的暗杀中,披荆斩棘,所向睥睨! 🌟【Synopsis】 The much-anticipated Martial House Selection had finally begun! The competition is in turmoil, the geniuses are gathered, countless powerful people are fighting fiercely, and let's see how Chu Xingyun can overcome the thorns in this treacherous assassination and look out of the corner of his eye! Welcome to subscribe~欢迎订阅刀哥说动漫~ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙ 这里每天都会为大家更新精彩好剧短视频解说哟~ 喜欢的话请大力的戳我吧!(✪ω✪)