The most Secret Wisdom hidden in The Great Pyramid by the builder, The EMERALD TABLETS

Enoch as he is known in heaven as he is known in the Bible, is Thoth as he is known among the pagan world, but Enoch is known to GOD, as the angel Metatron, Prince of the Divine Presence, Prince of Torah; the angel, Prince of Wisdom; the angel, Prince of Understanding; the angel, Prince of Glory; the angel, Prince of the Palace; the angel, Prince of Kings; the angel, Prince of Rulers; the angel, Prince of the exalted, lofty, great and honored Princes, who are in heaven and earth, said, •“YHWH the God of Israel is my witness that when I revealed this secret to Moses, all the armies of the height, in every heaven, were angry with me. They said to me, •’Why are you revealing this secret to mankind, born of woman, blemished, unclean, defiled by blood and impure flux, men who excrete putrid drops—that secret1 by which heaven and earth were created, the sea and the dry land, mountains and hills, rivers and springs, Gehinnom, fire and hail, the garden of Eden and the tree of life? By it Adam was formed, the cattle and the beasts of the field, the birds of heaven and the fish of the sea, Behemoth and Leviathan, the unclean creatures and reptiles, the creeping things of the sea and the reptiles of the deserts, Torah, wisdom, knowledge, thought, the understanding of things above, and the fear of heaven. Why are you revealing it to flesh and blood?’“ I said to them, “Because the Omnipresent One has given me authority from the high and exalted throne, from which all the sacred names proceed with fiery lightnings, with brilliant sparks“ and flaming hasmallim.“ *But their minds were not set at ease until the Holy One, blessed be he, rebuked them and drove them out of his presence with a rebuke, saying to them, “I wished, I desired, I ordered it, and entrusted it to Metatron my servant alone, because he is unique among all the denizens of the heights. • Metatron brought it out from my storehouses and committed it to Moses/ and Moses to Joshua, Joshua to the Elders, the Elders to the Prophets, the Prophets to the Men of the Great Synagogue, the Men of the Great Synagogue to Ezra the Scribe, Ezra the Scribe to Hillel the Elder, Hillel the Elder to R. Abbahu, R. Abbahu to R. Zira, R. Zira to the Men of Faith, and the Men of Faith to the Faithful—so that they should use it to admonish men and to heal the diseases that befall the world,