Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is February 28, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER No. 72.

As the plot unfolded, it turned out that the Russian Commandoes were there to sabotage the Alaska oil pipe line. They had been sent to Alaska by Kremlin hardliners who thought that they could use the sabotage threat to undo an American grain embargo against Russia. Instead, the plan failed, leading finally to simultaneous orders by both sides for a nuclear first strike. During those two evenings of an imaginary build-up to World War III, a surprisingly realistic atmosphere was created. There were many technical inaccuracies but they hardly mattered. What did matter was the emotional impact of the movie, and on that level it was very effective. My friends, these few words of the Spanish philosopher Unamuno seem to describe America today. There has not been a war on American soil, except for Pearl Harbor, in the memory of any living American; and we have possessed freedom for so long that we take it for granted, so now we are blindly following leaders who are betraying us into the ultimate in both WAR and TYRANNY. My three special topics for this AUDIO LETTER are: Topic #1--NUCLEAR WAR FEVER AND EXPANDING SECRET WARFARE Topic #2--THE THIRD SPACE SHUTTLE CHALLENGE TO RUSSIA Topic #3--THE SHORTENING TIMETABLE FOR NUCLEAR WAR ONE.