Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter in Washington. Today is March 29, 1979, and this is my Audio Letter No. 44.

Seven months ago in Audio Letter No. 37 I spelled out the secret new strategy for an American nuclear first strike against Russia; and as I say these words, more and more parts of that plan are falling rapidly into place. At the same time, the Bolsheviks are trying to schedule coming events to bring on full-scale revolution here as their first priority; then, with a stunned America in their iron grip, they intend to move us quickly into NUCLEAR WAR with RUSSIA. Already the plan I revealed last August for the Camp David summit to lead to an Egyptian-Israeli ’Peace Treaty’ has been accomplished. At the same time, Bolshevik control within the Vatican has brought about the drastic shift of the Roman Catholic Church to a strongly anti-Russian stance. Two popes--John Paul I and the real John Paul II--were murdered last fall by the Bolsheviks in the process, as I detailed in Audio Letters Nos. 39 and 41. The crucial importance of Red China and Iran in the plan I revealed last August has also caused both of them to undergo dramatic developments during the past six months. My friends, we are now at the crossroads. It is do or die for the Satanic Bolsheviks who will never turn back from their suicidal plans. It is also do or die for the survivors of the four Rockefeller brothers--the rest of the Rockefeller family--who are in mortal danger from the Bolsheviks. And, my friends, it is DO or DIE for us, for Christianity in the West, and for Western civilization itself! Many people today are now saying, “What can I do?“ After you have heard this recording, you have my suggestion as to what you can do; and I urge you to act quickly, because there is no time to be wasted! My three topics this month are: Topic #1--THE HOAX RE-APPEARANCE OF DR. HENRY KISSINGER; Topic #2--THE IMPENDING COLLAPSE OF THE CHASE-MANHATTAN BANK; and Topic #3--THE EGYPTIAN-ISRAELI TREATY FOR NUCLEAR WAR.