Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is April 28, 1978, and this is my Audio letter No. 33.

Today, the Republic of the United States of America is in the twilight of final decline prior to nuclear war. Our secret rulers behind the scenes are still trying to salvage what they can from their ruined plan for world conquest, and in the process are making our situation even more desperate day by day. They are manipulating our economy and our politics to their own ends. They still believe that their wealth will save them from the nuclear nightmare that they are bringing upon the rest of us, and they are stalling for time hoping to obtain the fruits of crash projects of military development in time to stave off the crushing military might of the Soviet Union. My friends, there are those who say I should not tell you the whole truth about behind-the-scenes events that are determining your fate because, they say, I am frightening the people. But consider these words of a famous German psychiatrist: “Fear can be disruptive, leading to panic, immobility, and abdication of rationality in favor of blind emotion; it can also be constructive, creative in the search for ways of escape, sharpening the wits in order to avoid or overcome danger. One of the difficulties is that so many of us are too apathetic to be afraid, either trusting to fate to extricate us or shrugging our shoulders that the prospect of what will be, will be.“ When nuclear war comes, including geophysical warfare, only those who have been forewarned will have any chance of avoiding the panic that will seize those who are taken by surprise. Only total exposure can prevent nation-wide panic. The American people will bow to a dictatorial government as our Republic collapses in flames, and only total exposure plus a spiritual re-awakening could possibly turn aside the man-made catastrophe that is in store for all of us. My three special topics for today are: Topic #1--INFLATION, GOLD, AND THE STOCK MARKET BEAR TRAP; Topic #2--KOREAN AIR LINES FLIGHT 902--THE FLYING LUSITANIA; and Topic #3--THE TWILIGHT OF THE UNITED STATES REPUBLIC.