Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is March 27, 1977, and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 22.

Last month in AUDIO LETTER No. 21 I alerted you to the possibility that we may have already failed in our efforts to prevent NUCLEAR WAR ONE, which is drawing closer by the day. My question is not “Can the war be stopped?“ but “Will it be stopped?“ There is nothing in this whole world that would please me so much as to be able to tell you: “Good news. We have prevented the war. We have won.“ And when I recorded monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 16 on September 25, 1976, it seemed as though I might soon be able to give you such good news. Public reaction to my AUDIO LETTERS Nos. 14 and 15 for July and August 1976 had thwarted an attempted Soviet double-cross of the Rockefellers by means of underwater missiles along our coast lines, and it had produced a direct meeting between General George S. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and myself. But then came the terrible reversals for America that I revealed the following month in AUDIO LETTER No. 17; and far too many of those who had pressed the government for action during August 1976 failed tobfollow through and support General Brown in his efforts to continue to protect our beloved country. Now, as a result, we have lost General Brown as an effective force for good. Now the job of stopping NUCLEAR WAR I is even harder. It can still be done, but WILL WE DO IT? My deep hope is still that the answer is YES, otherwise I would not be speaking these words. I am doing all in my power to bring the truth to you. So long as I continue to have access to vital information that bears on your life and your well-being, I will feel a deep responsibility to communicate it to you, but then it becomes your responsibility to choose what you will do about it. My three topics for today are: Topic #1--HOW CIRCUMSTANCES ARE PROVING THE ROCKEFELLER-SOVIET PLANS TO DESTROY AMERICA Topic #2--PRESIDENT CARTER’S EFFORTS TO HURRY UP NUCLEAR WAR ONE Topic #3--HOW THE CHURCH IS BEING USED.