Maria Daines ~ The River

A song we recorded as a demo many years ago and forgot about, recently we found it again and decided to finish it. ‘The River’ Yeah what’s a little time in the acres a’ rhyme n’ what’s been eatin’ yah these last days always it’s leavin’ talk An’ who’s the one to say shoulda been me to run an’ how my gonna do that with two kids an’ a rent man to pay, ahh save the jaw Just this past week you was fixin’ to stay n’ why can’t you love me like you did yesterday Ahh peaches n’ cream some beautiful dream, how it you used to be, just you an’ me Well dollar a dime that’s me I ain’t kind but I hooked up young seems I did wrong, it’s lost on me An’ how d’you find tomorrow in a sea of brave souls all bought on trust n’ made a’ rust that’s how it’s always been An’ this feels black when I’m blue n’ raw, some souls never see an open door Why can’t it be gold, somebody to hold, but it ain’t you no more… And the river slides to the west, that’s all I’m gonna say now, I did my be