Nuclear Security Forces “Going Nuts“? ~ Rex Reviews

#worldwar3 #nuclearwar #bible The Real . is here: People who have spent their lives living in the vicinity of America's Minuteman III missile silo fields are reporting that nuclear forces have been “going nuts“. What is going on? Is this part of a larger drill? Is the USAF MIRV'ing up their LGM-30Gs once again before the “Big One“ is expected? Is NATO going to attempt to push toward taking Crimea? These are all fair questions, but the problem remains the same... the world is at the brink of total destruction. We have been warned over 2,500 years ago by the prophet Zechariah of the coming judgment. Ezekiel and Joel have details similar warning. John the Revelator told us about the imminent fall of Babylon the Great. “Who serves as a soldier at his own expense?“ “Who plants a vineyard and does not eat its grapes?“ “Who tends a flock and does not drink the milk?“ THANK YOU FOR JOINING US ON PATREON! If you are NOT an entitled comm!e, you will treasure THE REAL . on the TiborasaurusRex Patreon page! COOHMP! For an undeniably attainable $ / day you gain exclusive access to for Expert Tier access, or if you are more serious, invest a wise $ / day of MERE POCKET CHANGE into expanding your horizons into realms unseen by the 99% via EXCLUSIVE . Access. Thanks for your support!''! Arken Optics use CODE: “REX170“ for $ OFF when your cart includes the Combo Pack (CPACK), Here is the link: For more of THE REAL ., subscribe to the TiborasaurusRex Patreon page! The original music in this video was written, performed and recorded by TiborasaurusRex, an unsigned artist. Song Title: Particle