RELOADED REMIXED Chapter 2.1: Looking At The World Without Time

Reloaded Remixed is a fan edit combining elements of “The Matrix Reloaded“, “The Animatrix“ animated shorts, and the “Enter the Matrix“ video game. The goal is to create a 2 hour film which is a tribute to the original work while presenting something completely new. Whenever I watched the scene where Neo tells the Oracle, “I see Trinity. [pause] And then something happens. [pause] Something bad.“ I always recalled the opening prophetic dream sequence where there is a brief pause before Trinity crashes through the high-rise window. That is what inspired the non-linear structure for these remixes. Most of the Wachowskis incorporate a non-linear narrative structure. the opening of Speed Racer in particular jumps back and forth between past and present events to supply the viewer with vital backstory information. Like “The Matrix Remixed“ on Facebook: Follow #ReloadedRemixed on Twitter: