張哲瀚 Zhehan Zhang《Moonlight 月夜的名》Official Lyric Video

♬訂閱頻道聽更多好歌 Subscribe to our channel 👉 ✨ Chinese/English/Thai/Vietnamese subtitles were already added in Subtitles/CC on Settings. ✨ Besides, you can use Auto-translate after turning on subtitles to choose the language you want. -- 曼陀羅, 在瘠瘠荒漠中、在層層火山灰下、在鬱鬱山林裏、在片片青瓦上, 隱藏了數百年,與神秘古老的傳說從容邂逅。 花落如雨,風沙相擁,花瓣鋪展開成一襲羽衣,在暗夜閃爍各异顔色, 如凝夜穠麗的紫、雲母瓷白的銀、翠微蒼蒼的綠、晴山雲水的藍…… 曼陀羅, 可以是關于宇宙蒼穹的遐思、是平面與立體的形狀、或海灣上的一輪滿月, 其能量來自于’圓’,通過幾何結構,加上色彩渲染出的力量,聯結內心,創造出能量磁場。 它像一種精神秩序,承載著我們過去與未來的心靈痕迹,以內在個體爲圓心形成自我的投射,不同性格發散各异的色彩分布,即每個人的曼陀羅。 2023年張哲瀚全新專輯《曼陀羅》四重奏將以四種花色《曼陀羅·紺》、《曼陀羅·銀》、《曼陀羅·碧》、《曼陀羅·晴》爲篇章,以色彩爲樂音著色,用顔色綴點外部視覺與內在勢能,呈現多面立體的音樂注解,譜寫曼陀羅的多彩盛放。 第一朵《曼陀羅·紺》 濃藍中透著微紅,郁黑中帶著絳紫。 紺色曼陀羅像火山岩漿裏那汩未停止喘息的光和熱,帶著一絲絲危險和不可阻擋的流動性。冷冽的寒夜,星光灑在曼陀羅上凝成一股冷艶的霧氣,在別人看不見、聽不到的地方孤傲生長。 《Moonlight》(《月夜的名》) 夜間晚風讓歌聲越過月光下波光粼粼、無知無覺的河流,一團柔和的光亮籠罩著心中回音。 我們經歷過很多過去。 那些遺失的、走丟的、難忘的、遺憾的印記落滿塵埃,如大海的波濤沖刷遙遠的海岸發出低沉呢喃,將溫和與體諒在音樂中詩意再現,將生命中曾經美好的記憶封存幷傾注融入進生命的此刻。彙聚過去的點滴將夜色串起,感念一段默契無言的過往,若是記得曾經珍貴的過往與時光,就不會被記憶所流放。 如同每晚都會撒落下的月光,靜夜之下細膩皎潔,盈滿那些呼喚者與被懷念著的名字。 歌名 Song:Moonlight #月夜的名 歌手 Singer:#張哲瀚 Zhehan Zhang 作詞 Lyricist:佳旺、楊嘉成 作曲 Composer:佳旺、楊嘉成 出品方:上海冉以音樂傳媒有限公司 I loved her name I loved her face But I couldn't make her stay But who's to blame For tears to shed I lost in vain Life is not the same she left, she left I loved her eyes I loved those times When she was mine We talked all night We laughed and cried Just she and I if I could turn back time, time Those were the times we had since you went away And I, I'll give her all my life That's all I'll do love'll never die she's a star she's a star shines brightly in the sky tonight, I wanna fly wanna fly to the sky You're my moonlight If I could turn back time, time Those were the times we had since you went away And I, I'll give her all my life That’s all I'll do love'll never die she's a star she's a star shines brightly in the sky tonight, I wanna fly wanna fly to the sky You're my moonlight I don't wanna hear you say goodbye We could make this moment last a lifetime And I, I'll give her all my life That's no lie love never dies she's a star she's a star shines brightly in the sky tonight, I wanna fly wanna fly to the sky You're my moonlight You're my moonlight -- 🎈 FB 🎈 IG 🎈 LINE @dfm2772u 🎈 合作官網(數位音樂發行)