Слава Толстой - Ты Вне. Slava Tolstoy - You’re Out.

Press CC for English subtitles. HEAR THIS SONG ON SPOTIFY: I wrote this song in one quick session. The words just poured out of me. I put down on paper all the things I wanted to say to people who keep denying the reality of the horrible war that Russia started against Ukraine. Sadly, among these people I found some of my relatives and even a few friends. I don’t know if my words will make a difference, but I said what I had to say. Slava Tolstoy - Songwriting, vocals, guitars Yan Perchuk - track production, mixing, mastering Andrei Matveev - video recording and editing Josh Lipton - video post production Track recorded at Cypress Studios (Natick MA) and Vibrant Productions (Los Angeles, CA) Video recorded at the concert hall and Wedeman Gallery at Lasell University. Special thanks to Vladimir Zimakov for all of his help and assistance. Ты Вне Ты медитируешь в день по 25 часов Не ругаешься матом, никаких резких слов Не ешь ни рыбы ни мяса, н