Mist of Pandaria: Beta Bursting classes

Subscribe to FaxiDerp today you won't miss out the next video tomorrow! Video containing all 23 different DPS classes AND specs, showing precisely which class does the best burst in Mist of Pandaria, Beta, lvl 85/86. This is the most precise and high quality made video out there, showing burst scenarios from all classes. Everyone at around same ilvl/Gear, everyone had test runs, to warm up, everyone only used their own buffs, the target they were bursting had the same HP/armor/resi all the way through. I wrote dedicated rules in the start of the video, to ensure no trolls/whiners/QQ'ers about that their respective class didn't have a clue nor gear to be competitive among the other classes. Windwalker Monk, Arms Warrior, Frost Deathknight, Markmanship Hunter, Affliction Warlock, Retribution Paladin, Demolition warlock, Destruction Warlock, Fire Mage, Frost Mage, Arcane Mage, Beast Mastery Hunter Survival Hunter, Fury Warrior, Feral Druid, Boomkin Druid, Shadow